College + University Clients
Orphan Disease Center. Philadelphia, PA
Frelinghuysen Morris House + Studio Museum. Lenox, MA
Allegheny Medical Sciences University. Philadelphia, PA
-Campus Planning / Master plan
-Medical Research Laboratories Building Study
Cardio Vascular Institute. Philadelphia, PA
Simulator Training and Conference Centre
Haverford College. Haverford, PA
- HCA Housing Exterior Redesign and Renovation
- Field House Renovation Studies
- Sharpless Hall Addition and Renovation
Harvard Medical School. Boston, MA (EAI)
- Tosteson Medical Education Centre
Mount Aloysius College. Cresson, PA
- Residence hall
Rosemont College. Rosemont, PA
- Good Council Building Signage Study
- College Mayfield Hall Renovation
University of Connecticut. Storrs, CT
Swarthmore College. Swarthmore, PA
- Lamb-Miller Field House, Window Replacement
- Underhill Music Library, Planning, and Renovation
- McCabe Library Technical Services, Planning & Renovation
- McCabe Library Computer Classroom
- DuPont Laboratory
- DuPont Building Renovations
- Parrish Hall Renovations
Temple University. Philadelphia, PA
- Animal Facility Medical Research Building
- White Hall Students Residence (THG)
Villanova University. Villanova, PA
- Athletic Field Pavilion
- Maintenance Building Renovation Feasibility Study
University of Delaware. Newark, DE
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging Research Center
University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, PA
- Chemistry wing 1973, Dr. Baumgrat Chemistry and Laser Lab
- Dr. Berger Laboratory. Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine
- School of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Suite College Hall
- Dr. Linksvayer Laboratory. Leidy Laboratory Building
- College Hall
- School of Arts and Sciences
- Dean’s office suite
- Feasibility Study for the renovation of the Van Pelt- Dietrich
- Library, Rare Books (In collaboration with ABA)
- Lynch Life Sciences Building (In collaboration with EAI)
- Orphan Disease Center
- Translational Research Laboratories (In collaboration with TKA)
- Retail Study along Walnut Street
West Chester University. West Chester, PA
- Proposed Fort Washington Campus